Patrick Pagfdatoon IT201 Project 4
Project 1 Paint App
I made a painting tool that creates cubes when the user clicks on the screen. The cube will be rotated on the x, y, and z axis using a series of sliders. The program also reads the There is also a dropdown for the user to change the color.
1. Display Mouse Position
Input: Mouse placed within the vicinity of the screen
Output: X and Y coordinates of the mouse are displayed
2. Paint Object
Input: Mouse left or right click
Output: The object is created wherever the mouse is clicked and for as long as the button is pressed.
3. Change Color
Input: Dropdown menu
Output: Different color options appear for the user to choose
4. Change Rotation
Input: Sliders
Output: Cube is rotated on the respective axis
Project 2 Paint App
I created a painting tool that creates primitive 3D objects on the screen where the user clicks. The user can entirely choose the color, orientation, and shape of the object. An analog and digital clock is presented to the user.
1. Display Mouse Position
Input: Mouse placed within the vicinity of the screen
Output: X and Y coordinates of the mouse are displayed
2. Paint Object
Input: Mouse left or right click
Output: The object is created wherever the mouse is clicked and for as long as the button is pressed.
3. Change Color
Input: RGB Sliders
Output: The user can choose how much of each hue will be displayed on the shape.
4. Change Rotation
Input: XYZ sliders
Output: Cube is rotated on the respective axis chosen by the user
5. Clock
Input: System time
Output: 3D Analog and digital display of current time appear, updating every second.
6. Preview Shape
Input: Change color and/or rotation and/or shape
Output: A shape reflecting the current parameters selected will appear before they click to paint.
7. Clear Canvas
Input: Press button
Output: All objects on the canvas are destroyed
Project 3 FPS Platformer
I created a 3D environment where users can interact with prefabs and shoot paint balls with a blaster prefab. They are also able to interact with the environment by moving around and using keybinds.
1. Heart Animation
Input: User presses 1, 2, or 3.
Output: Heart rotates, spins on XYZ axis, or beats respectively
2. Coin Flip
Input: The user presses F key
Output: Coin prefab does flipping animation and the result of the flip is displayed
3. Shoot Blaster
Input: Left Click
Output: Orange paintballs shoot from blaster prefab
4. Walk
Input: WASD keys
Output: The user walks forward, left, backward, or straight respectively
5. Spring
Input: WASD keys + Shift Key
Output: The user moves at an increased speed
6. Jump
Input: Space button
Output: The user model moves up on the Y-axis and then floats down
7. Crouch
Input: C Button
Output: The player model shrinks and the player camera moves down
8. Look
Input: Mouse
Output: Player camera moves with respect to mouse movement
9. Ammo Count
Input: Left Click
Output: Blaster ammo decreases by one and is displayed on screen
10. Mirror
Input: Player Movement
Output: Player movement is displayed back
Issue 1: RGB sliders do not change object color
Fix 2: Properly assigned variables to sliders
Issue 2: The dropdown menu does not change paint object shape
Fix 2: Debugged dropdown menu code to properly select primitive type
Issue 3: XYZ Sliders work, but cause the preview object to spin indefinitely
Fix 3: Relocated the code from update method to a separate method
Issue 4: The reset canvas button does not clear objects
Fix 4: Cleared all code and inserted proper code in paint object method
Issue 5: The player will fall forever if they fall off the main platform
Fix 5: Setup key bind “R” for the player to respawn in the original spawn position
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | pdpagdatoon |
Made with | Unity |